We understand what you’re going through, 
because your story is ours too.

A practice founded on finding answers.

The web of healthcare is confusing. Medical concerns can be complex, symptoms present in a variety of ways, and insurance often dictates the treatment you receive. Not to mention the emotional and mental health implications that come with chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, or watching a loved one suffer and never find help.

If this sounds like your story, you’re not alone. In fact, I’ve experienced this myself.

Along with the birth of my first born child came a painful diagnosis – he wouldn’t survive beyond childhood. It was only after spending time with doctors, specialists, in labs, imaging, and countless tests and procedures that we learned he actually didn’t have what they said. Despite the relief we still felt so vulnerable. The experience really took a toll on our family and opened my eyes to just how broken and impersonal our medical system really is. The biggest problems I noticed were that no specialist seemed to be able to see or treat beyond their limited focus, and every effort just ended in more questions, lost time, money, energy, and dead ends. Not to mention, the practitioners never even learned my son’s name.

No one should have to experience this. I created this practice so you never have to.

– Dr. MaryK Geyer

At Empower Integrative, 
we’re all about: 

Comprehensive care

Everyone deserves truly personalized attention and treatment. We’ll consider all aspects of your physical, mental, and emotional health journey.


Consolidated treatment

You no longer need separate practitioners for every specialty. We’ll be your disease expert, PCP, naturopath, pediatrician, endocrinologist, and more.


Integrative protocols

Dr. Geyer is a licensed physician and naturopath. That means you get a common sense, full-picture diagnosis, and intelligent treatment integrating the best of all medical modalities.


An unparalleled combination of capabilities

Serving Scottsdale and (virtually) beyond 

In order to get to the root cause of her patients’ most complex health issues, Dr. Geyer has acquired additional training and expertise in:

Women’s medicine



Minor surgery



Weight loss

Pain management

Advanced IV therapeutics

Evidence based medicine

Dr. Geyer can treat it all because she’s seen it all.

Over the years, she’s taught in two medical schools and served as an associate dean and residency director.  She also co-founded Naturopaths Without Borders and served as executive director, starting clinics in Mexico and Haiti, and supervised nearly 100 medical missions. She’s worked in urgent cares, small private practices, large teaching medical centers, and offered a range of care spanning infectious disease, to surgery, to pediatric and adult well-care, to working with mystery illnesses and biohacking. This breadth of experience and knowledge helps her peel back the layers of your chronic symptoms and issues to get to the root sooner.

They are kind, caring, professional and very helpful. For many years I have had an auto immune condition that I have been dealing with and have never had any improvement with it. Then I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by two different rheumatologists about seven years ago. Both doctors recommended medication options that came with potential serious side effects. Which I was definitely uncomfortable with because I didn't want to expose myself to the possibility of further health complications, as I already had enough to deal with everyday. Unfortunately, neither doctor offered any alternative approaches or more natural treatments or any further, more in depth, testing to be sure this is what I was dealing with. So, I have just been living with these health issues and barely enjoying life much anymore.

Thankfully, I found Dr. Geyer, who thoroughly reviewed my tests and delivered unexpected news - I did not have rheumatoid arthritis! Dr. Geyer provided me with a treatment plan, and I am finally feeling much better, almost like myself again.

Before seeing Dr. Geyer, my daily life was a constant struggle. Simple tasks like grocery shopping, walking the dog, playing with my granddaughter, and even going to work were incredibly challenging due to having zero energy and constant, intense pain. Now, after following Dr. Geyer's treatment plan, my life is finally improving. I can go shopping, walk the dog, play with my granddaughter, clean, go out to eat, travel. I have more energy and desire to do things and less pain while doing them. The difference is noticeable and I can't wait to continue improving my health.

This is all possible because Dr. Geyer took the time to listen, understand, and offer alternative approaches beyond conventional medicine. Her commitment to providing health-centered and natural treatment options is truly a blessing.


"Dr. Mary K Geyer at Empower Integrative Health and her staff are truly amazing!"

When no other doctor seems to have an idea of what to do or how to even try a treatment she has some idea. I have been seeing Dr. Geyer for almost 15 years. She initially diagnosed me with Hashimotos after seeing her for severe allergies. Upon the diagnosis she gave me protocols to treat it naturally to try to get it in remission. Under her care I have successfully had my Hashimoto's in remission multiple times now and am currently pregnant. Aside from treating auto-immune conditions she has the perfect blend of modern medicine and alternative approaches. When you truly need antibiotics or steroids etc. she will use them, but also provide options for when you have a cold etc. or other ailments that you might have. She truly becomes a partner in your health caring about how you feel and how to get you back to healthy. I recommend her to all of my friends, especially those that have not had success with normal doctors. I wish all doctors were like Dr. Geyer, although it is also what makes her one of a kind.


"I call Dr. Geyer the doctor of weird $hit"

I was diagnosed with SIBO about two years before I started going to her. I went to several different doctors across the valley and nutritionists to try to cure it, but I was never successful. After 2 years off struggling and getting worse I found Dr. Geyer! She is a doctor that is patient and takes the time to truly make her patients feel heard and understood. She made me feel confident that she would be able to treat my SIBO. She worked with me in creating a treatment plan and we scheduled followed ups to make sure we were consistently moving in the right direction. SIBO can take a long time to cure, and finally after 1 year we cured it! I cried tears of joy! Without Dr. Geyer and her incredible staff I would still be struggling today. I am so incredibly thankful for Dr. Geyer! She truly gave me my life back!


"Dr. Geyer is the absolute best!"

 After my lengthy intake where she truly listened to my 55 years of history I was told we would be doing a lot of labs and tests, so thankful we did. I learned so much that past bloodwork had just not caught. Genetic testing, food sensitivity tests, stool samples, urinalysis, saliva test, toxin screens and yes lots of bloodwork. We came up with a treatment plan together embracing western and alternative modalities. In a very short amount of time I began to improve. I am feeling better than I have in probably 10 years and have established new healthy routines that support my physical and mental health. I'm off many meds and my body is healing itself as I slowly build back its foundation. I'm a patient for life, Dr. Geyer has truly been an angel.


"Dr. Geyer is amazing!"

"You have to be one of the most authentic, sincere, compassionate & genuine humans I know! This alone makes you 1000 times over one of the few yet most brilliant medical professionals I know! I have such gratitude that god and the universe had our paths cross (it's been 15yrs!) We're so blessed to have your support and expertise, and you've the most lovely soul- its stunning.


"Celebrating you doc!"

Meet the team

Dr. G is the Founder of Empower Integrative Health and is in her 17th year practicing as a physician. She is a mom to five kiddos (one autism strong), wife, and loves the outdoors. In some of her previous lives before private practice, she worked in global health (co-founding Naturopaths Without Borders & serving as their Executive Director), was the Associate Dean & Residency Director of NUNM's medical school, taught at various institutions, and was a medic in the ARMY reserves. She has a passion for changing our current broken-paradigm of impersonalized sick care, to one that focuses on individualized, integrative, and human-connection HEALTHcare. Her approach is truly integrative, and her goal is to empower her patient's in their healthcare options and choices, and help them feel better, faster. 

Dr. MaryK Geyer


Nakia is originally from the Windy City of Chicago and has 6 years of experience working in patient services and as a medical assistant. Previous to joining EIH, she worked in both front and back offices within dermatology, rheumatology, and integrative medicine settings.

Since graduating in 2017, she has developed a reputation for her exceptional people skills, bubbly personality, and compassion. When not working, Nakia loves spending time with her family, shopping, and indoor activities. 

Nakia jones


Kayla was previously our front office manager, and is now our New Patient Coordinator here at EIH. Behind that infectious smile and palpable passion for helping patients, are ninja-like skills to make every new patient's onboarding experience as seamless as possible. She rocks 12 years of front and back-office direct patient care.
When she is not working, she is running around outside with her two fur babies, Elsie and Moon Pie, gardening, singing, listening to crime podcasts, or spending time with her family.

Kayla Wilds

Clinical Operations Manager, New Patient Coordinator

Morgan has been in healthcare since 2016, starting as a volunteer EMT in Montana, during this time Morgan went to paramedic school at MSU Billings. She graduated with an Associate of Applied Science in Paramedicine. She spent a total of five years working on an ambulance in Montana and then decided to come to sunny AZ for a much needed change from the cold. She worked as a paramedic here in the valley for 2 years before she joined our team.

Morgan comes from the very beautiful, but cold cold state of Montana and brings a passion for individualized, compassionate, kind and relatable healthcare. When she's not working, she's spending time with her family or at a sports game of any kind.

Morgan Ecklund

Paramedic, Back Office Manager

Let’s untangle your medical mess.

Our team is ready to help.

You don’t have to settle for poor treatment, impersonal care, or chronic conditions anymore. Let our team give you the attention, help, and hope you deserve.